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Warner, Kaine, Schatz & Connolly To Reintroduce Bill To Give Federal Workers A Raise

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) joined Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) to reintroduce the Federal Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act, a bill that would provide federal employees with a three percent pay increase in 2019. Since 2010, federal employees have lost more than a billion dollars in wages due to sequestration and a three-year freeze on federal pay. Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) reintroduced this legislation in the House of Representatives as well.

“This bill is a an effort to recognize the hard work of federal workers in Virginia and across the country who have supported our country even as they’ve faced pay freezes, sequestration cuts, and government shutdowns,” the Senators said. “They deserve to be recognized for their service and dedication to this country and should receive fair compensation.”

The FAIR Act’s wage adjustment restores years of lost wage increases for federal employees. This legislation would ensure that federal employees serving across the country, in all 50 States and on behalf of constituents residing in every congressional district, earn a pay increase of three percent.

The FAIR Act is supported by the National Treasury Employees Union, the American Federation of Government Employees, the International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, and the National Federation of Federal Employees.

The full text of the FAIR Act is available here. 
