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Warner, Kaine Applaud Virginia's Historic Budget Signing Enacting Medicaid Expansion

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) released the following statement after Virginia Governor Ralph Northam signed into law the state budget that expands Medicaid:

“After years of working on this issue that affects families across the Commonwealth, we are thrilled that hundreds of thousands of Virginians who currently lack basic health care coverage will finally have some peace of mind. Today’s historic signing shows a good faith effort by legislators to provide health insurance for Virginians who need it the most.  We are grateful for the tireless work Governor Northam and the leaders of the General Assembly have shown to ensure the stability and well-being of hardworking families. We are ready to assist the Governor and his administration as Virginia begins the process of full expansion.”

Virginia is now one of 33 states across the country that have expanded Medicaid. Up to 400,000 low-income adults in Virginia will now be eligible for Medicaid health coverage.
