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Warner and Kaine Statements On U.S. Navy Commitment To Build Ten Additional Submarines

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine released the following statements on the announcement of a multiyear, $17.6 billion contract for construction of 10 Virginia-class submarines, two ships per year from 2014 to 2018:

“Today’s announcement that the Navy has committed to purchasing 10 submarines over the next five years is great news for Hampton Roads and Virginia,” Senator Warner said. “This multi-year buy further strengthens the partnership between the Navy and Huntington Ingalls, and the region’s shipbuilders and subcontractors. By purchasing through a multi-year contract it also allows the Navy to maximize efficiencies and get the best value for the taxpayers.”

“This is a huge win for Newport News Shipbuilding and the Commonwealth of Virginia,” said Senator Kaine. “I continue to be impressed by the outstanding work done by Virginia shipbuilders, which I had the opportunity to see again recently when I brought Senator Jack Reed to visit the shipyard. This contract helps support the more than 63,000 Virginia shipbuilding jobs - the most of any state - while ensuring the future of our Navy’s advantage in undersea warfare.”

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