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Warner & Kaine Statement on Senate Passage of a Continuing Resolution to Keep the Government Funded

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) released the following statement after the Senate approved a stopgap funding bill to fund the government through November 17:

“Today, at the very last possible moment, Congress finally acted to avert a painful, pointless government shutdown. This deal only became possible when House Republicans turned to Democrats for the votes they couldn’t muster within their majority to keep the government open. We are gravely disappointed that a few extreme Republicans in the House were able to prevent the inclusion of additional aid for our allies in Ukraine, even as 330 members of the House – Republicans and Democrats – voted just three days ago in support of funding for Ukraine. However, this bill will keep the federal government open for the next 47 days, during which we’ll continue to work to pass bipartisan spending bills that renew our commitment to Ukraine in its fight for democracy and advance crucial Virginia priorities, including addressing the child care crisis, expanding broadband access, and giving our servicemembers a raise.”
