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Warner And Kaine Applaud Confirmation Of Marilyn Tavenner

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine today applauded the confirmation of Marilyn Tavenner of Virginia as the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by a vote of 91 to 7. Tavenner is the first Senate-confirmed CMS Administrator since 2006. CMS oversees Medicare and Medicaid and is charged with health care services for millions of Americans.

Tavenner, who has served as CMS Acting Administrator since late 2011, was a nurse for nearly 20 years and ultimately rose to serve as a hospital CEO in Richmond. She also served as Virginia’s Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the administration of then-Gov. Kaine. Before the vote, both senators went to the Senate floor to praise Tavenner for her commonsense leadership and exemplary qualifications.

“I’ve known Marilyn Tavenner for 25 years, and she is a phenomenal choice to lead CMS at this important time,” Sen. Warner said. “Marilyn worked her way through school, began her career as a nurse, and eventually worked her way up to CEO of a major regional for-profit hospital. She then  managed a dozen public health agencies as Virginia’s Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and she has served as Acting CMS Administrator since the Fall of 2011. I congratulate Marilyn on today’s Senate confirmation vote.”

“When I was governor and we were dealing with a national recession there was no one in my cabinet who was more creative and passionate about achieving savings without sacrificing patient care. As we wrestle with Medicaid and Medicare costs, I can’t think of a better person to be in charge. Marilyn’s experience, her focus on patients from her background as a nurse, her spectacular success at smart cost cutting, and especially her proven capacity to be creative and innovative in reaching results merit our support for her," Sen. Kaine said. "I’m excited we will be casting this vote today. I think the fact that the United States will have a confirmed administrator who can really plow forward on initiatives will be for the good of this country. " 
