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Kaine To Oppose Scott Pruitt For EPA Administrator

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement today on the nomination of Scott Pruitt to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

“The EPA needs an Administrator who will follow the best science to keep Americans safe. Scott Pruitt is unwilling to accept the scientific consensus that human-generated CO2 emissions are a significant cause of climate change. This is a fundamental issue for Virginia, a state affected by sea level rise and other climate effects. If Scott Pruitt rejects science on this matter, I suspect he will ignore other science as well. Thus I oppose him. We cannot afford to have an anti-science EPA Administrator.”

In addition to Pruitt, Kaine has announced his opposition to the nominations of Jeff Sessions, Tom Price, Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson and Mick Mulvaney and has voted against Rex Tillerson. He has voted in support of James Mattis, John Kelly, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley and Elaine Chao. Additional decisions are forthcoming based on ongoing review of the nominees’ backgrounds and confirmation hearings. 
