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Kaine Statement On Supreme Court Decision On President Trump's Travel Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to review the lower court rulings against President  Trump’s travel ban and to allow parts of the travel ban to go into effect:

“While I am disappointed by the Court’s decision to allow parts of the Trump Administration’s travel ban to go into effect, I am encouraged that the justices maintained the ability of travelers from the affected countries to proceed so long as they have family or other connections here. To me, it is clear from the words that have come out of his own mouth that President Trump’s intentions with this travel ban have been more about politics and stoking fear than national security. The United States should not forbid immigration or travel based on country of origin—in this case from predominantly Muslim countries. Instead, immigration decisions should be made based on a review of the circumstances of each individual. To do otherwise is discriminatory and unnecessary.”
