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Kaine Statement on Sequester Votes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement on the sequester votes in the Senate today:

“Today, the Senate acted on two bills related to the harmful sequestration cuts scheduled to take effect tomorrow. I voted to support consideration of a bill that offered a balanced, specific and accountable approach to replace these cuts entirely. And I voted against consideration of an all cuts approach that would shock Virginia’s economy.

“I supported the Murray/Mikulski bill because it offered a specific alternative to replace the first year of the sequester with a balanced package of targeted spending cuts and revenue.  Then, the Senate would return to a normal, annual budgeting process to find the appropriate mix of spending, taxes and deficit reduction in future years.  While still involving significant spending cuts, the bill’s balanced inclusion of new revenue reduced these cuts by half, thus protecting defense and other key priorities. I opposed the Inhofe/Toomey proposal because it would in no way reduce the number of Virginians who stand to be impacted by the sequester. It would leave massive cuts in place and hurt everyone from sailors and pilots in Norfolk, to shipbuilders in Newport News, to teachers across the Commonwealth.

“I believe there is still time to replace the sequester and find a way to let the budget process work the way it’s supposed to. Congress and the Administration need to stay at the table, debate budgetary proposals and find compromise.  In the days to come, we can and must find a way to replace sequester cuts and continue the process well underway of writing the first Congressional budget since 2009.”
