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Kaine Statement on President Obama's Call to Avert Sequester Cuts

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement today on President Barack Obama’s call to avert the March 1 sequester cuts with a balanced package of spending cuts and revenue:

“I agree with President Obama - the sequester was never intended to take effect, and it doesn’t have to. I strongly believe the budget should drive decisions about spending and revenue, rather than self-imposed crises. I look forward to working with my colleagues to find a balanced solution to avert across the board cuts that could cost up to 200,000 Virginia jobs alone and devastate essential priorities including defense, education, and health care services. There are no more excuses for prolonging the uncertainty that’s already harmed our economy. We need an orderly budget process, and aligning the sequester deadline with the Congressional budget process underway in the House and Senate is the right step.”