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Kaine Statement On Executive Orders To Advance Keystone XL And Dakota Access Pipelines

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement today after President Trump signed executive orders to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines:

“President Trump’s decision on the Dakota Access Pipeline today is particularly concerning given his and Energy Secretary nominee Rick Perry’s longstanding ties to the builder of the pipeline.

“I opposed Keystone XL because it would accelerate the development of tar sands oil – one of the dirtiest fossil fuels in the world – at a time when our energy sector needs to be getting cleaner tomorrow than today. I was also glad the Obama Administration stopped to consider tribal concerns with the Dakota Access Pipeline. Process matters, not only with these but with the gas pipelines proposed in Virginia. Yet President Trump seems to think he should be able to snap his fingers and flip these decisions, without any public input or analysis. This tells me something about whose needs the President will be prioritizing, between big energy companies and citizens with valid concerns about how a pipeline might affect their property or community. It’s also a reminder of President Trump’s complete disregard for science and the serious climate effects increased CO2 emissions from tar sands oil would have on our country, particularly flood-prone communities like Hampton Roads.”
