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Kaine Statement On Decision Not To Hold Vote On Graham-Cassidy Proposal This Week

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement today on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s decision not to hold a vote on the Graham-Cassidy proposal before September 30:

“Once again we have seen the failure of a Republican proposal that under the guise of a ‘health care’ bill, would have actually taken care away from millions of Americans and raised premiums for Virginia families. Graham-Cassidy would not only repeal the Affordable Care Act, but also would make drastic cuts to the core Medicaid program that’s a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of Virginia’s children, seniors and people with disabilities. The American people made their voices heard and helped stop this terrible bill. I’m pleading with my colleagues to stop trying to jam through one-party bills that would take coverage away from millions of people and break our health care system. Let’s heed the words of every major medical and patient care group by working together to improve it. We can do better, and I hope we quickly return to the bipartisan solutions we were working on in the HELP committee to stabilize the individual market and lower premiums. Enough is enough.”
