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Kaine Statement On Confirmation That Veterans Affairs Leadership Put Veterans At Risk At The DC VA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement after an Inspector General report confirmed that veterans were put at risk at the DC VA Medical Center:

“This disturbing new Inspector General report confirms that leadership at multiple levels of the VA turned a blind eye or, even worse, blatantly ignored troubling information and procedures that put veterans at risk. We have to demand more from those in charge of caring for veterans who have sacrificed so much for the United States. Secretary Shulkin has acknowledged this failure and has announced plans to overhaul the leadership at poorly performing facilities. I will continue to work with the VA to improve the care our country is offering veterans.”

Last year, Kaine and Senator Mark Warner wrote to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin to express serious concern over the initial Office of Inspector General interim report detailing deficiencies at the DC VA Medical Center that put patients at risk. In addition to demanding immediate action be taken to ensure sufficient and sanitary supplies were available, the Senators also asked the VA to review any patients who may have been exposed to unsafe practices and called for critical senior staff positions to be filled quickly to ensure these issues can be promptly remedied.
