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Kaine Statement On Confirmation Of Loretta Lynch As Attorney General

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement on Senate confirmation of Loretta Lynch as Attorney General of the United States:

"In confirming Loretta Lynch as our next Attorney General, the Senate has chosen a distinguished legal mind and experienced public servant to lead the Department of Justice. Throughout her career, Lynch has developed a reputation for her integrity and trusted leadership, which will serve the nation well as she addresses recent tensions between law enforcement and communities across the country. While it is unacceptable that is has taken the Senate 166 days to act on such a well-qualified and highly-regarded nominee, I am proud that we have finally confirmed Loretta Lynch, and I am confident that she will work hard to ensure justice for all Americans.”

On March 12, Kaine spoke on the Senate floor to urge his colleagues to swiftly confirm Lynch as Attorney General. 
