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Kaine Statement On British Parliament Vote To Authorize Airstrikes Against ISIL In Syria

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, released the following statement today:

“Yesterday, after many hours of public debate, the British Parliament voted to authorize airstrikes against ISIL in Syria. And in the coming weeks, the German Parliament is expected to debate this important issue as well. We welcome the increased support of some of our strongest European allies in this fight, particularly as a show of unity and resolve following the recent horrific attacks in Paris, Lebanon, and Egypt.  I applaud the elected representatives of the United Kingdom and Germany for not shying away from a vote on war – an act of leadership that stands in stark contrast to our own legislative branch.

“Meanwhile, nearly 17 months since the U.S. initiated airstrikes against ISIL without authorization from Congress, Defense Secretary Ash Carter came to Capitol Hill this week to announce that additional Special Operations Forces would be deployed to Iraq and Syria to conduct raids against ISIL, yet another escalation following the Administration’s announcement in October that it was sending 50 troops into Syria, and further still from the original mission announced by President Obama in August 2014 to protect American personnel and prevent Iraqi civilians from imminent slaughter.

“With a vote in Parliament, the United Kingdom has demonstrated that it is committed to defeating ISIL while sending an important message of support to our coalition partners and British troops. I once again urge my colleagues in Congress to recognize the importance of a debate and vote on this war - for the American people, as well as our standing among allies around the world - by taking up a new authorization of force against a brutal enemy that is not going away anytime soon.”
