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Kaine on Senate Floor to GOP Colleagues: “Put our country first”

You can watch the full speech here.

WASHINGTON, D.C – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine delivered a speech on the Senate floor urging his Republican Senate colleagues to support the necessary, peaceful post-election transition process from the current Administration to the incoming Biden-Harris Administration.

“With COVID cases rising, hospitalizations increasing, deaths tragically multiplying, and people and businesses still suffering, we should be laser focused on crushing this virus and rebuilding the American economy. The U.S. does not have the luxury to engage in conspiracy theories and multiple bogus election challenges,” Kaine said. “To my colleagues, especially my Republican colleagues, the nation needs the Senate right now to send a message of calm transition to a new Administration. Please put our country first. “

Earlier this week, Senators Warner and Kaine wrote a letter to General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily W. Murphy calling on the GSA to begin the official post-election transition process so that the incoming Biden-Harris Administration may utilize all available resources and funding to ensure a smooth transition into the President-elect and Vice President-elect’s new official capacities.
