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Kaine Introduces Amendment to Strip Mountain Valley Pipeline Provision from Debt Bill

Click here to WATCH Kaine discuss the amendment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine introduced an amendment to strip language from the Fiscal Responsibility Act that would greenlight the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline in Virginia, bypassing the normal judicial and administrative review process every other energy project has to go through:

“I support improving the permitting process for all energy projects. But Congress putting its thumb on the scale so that one specific project doesn’t have to comply with the same process as everyone else is the definition of unfair and opens the door to corruption. I’m introducing this amendment to strip this harmful provision—which is completely unrelated to the debt limit—from the bill because I owe it to the Virginians impacted by the pipeline—including the hundreds of Virginians whose land is being taken away—to ensure the project only proceeds following fair administrative and judicial review. I urge my colleagues to join me in righting this wrong. Otherwise, with this dangerous precedent, they may find themselves in a horrible position down the road: Congress taking their constituents’ land because more powerful companies have the political juice to think they can get away with it.”

Text of the legislation is available here.
