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Kaine Effort Results In Road Signs To Danville On Route 29 Near Greensboro

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine announced today that his office successfully helped convince the city of Greensboro, N.C. to erect signs to Danville on Route 29 North. Following Kaine’s address to the Danville Economic Development Summit in January 2014, Karl Stauber of the Danville Regional Foundation voiced concern over the absence of signs to Danville on Route 29 in North Carolina, and suggested that displaying signs could help attract tourism and economic activity to the city. Following the Economic Development Summit, Kaine’s office met with officials in Greensboro and eventually helped convince them to erect signs to Danville at no cost to the Commonwealth of Virginia.

“From now on, anyone driving north from Greensboro won’t be able to miss Danville,” said Kaine. “After hearing from Karl and others in Danville last year about the impact signs could have on the local economy, I’m happy we were able to work with officials in Greensboro to make this happen.” 

“Whether on an interstate highway or the information highway, finding ways to increase traffic to your community or website is very important to economic success,” said Mayor Sherman Saunders. “We are thankful to Senator Kaine and his staff for their efforts in having directional signage highlighting the city of Danville installed along major passageways in North Carolina. Communities are always looking for ways to stand out in the very competitive game of economic development. Having a highway sign that points to Danville is a real plus!”

“We all know that if you build it, they will come. But unless the road maps are updated and there is signage pointing the way, chances are you won’t be found,” said Karl Stauber, president and CEO of Danville Regional Foundation. “Installing signs that direct people to Danville is a critical step in helping people and businesses find our community and see everything we have to offer. We appreciate Senator Kaine's work to make this happen."
