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Kaine Congratulates Tunisians On Successful Elections

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, released the following statement on Tunisia’s parliamentary elections:

“On October 26th, Tunisian voters went to the ballot box to elect a new parliament, embracing democracy and setting an example for the region.  The elections marked a milestone in Tunisia’s political transition and a victory for national unity.  I want to especially congratulate both the Nida Tounes and Ennahda parties for their commitment to the democratic process.  In August, I led a Congressional delegation to Tunisia and met with political and business leaders, all of whom were eager for a stronger partnership with the United States and furthering Tunisia’s democratic transition.  I hope that the spirt of unity and compromise that has been Tunisia’s trademark will continue as Tunisians prepare for presidential elections next month.  I convey my best wishes to the people of Tunisia as they begin a new chapter in their country’s history and look forward to working with the new government to strengthen Tunisia’s democratic future.”
