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Bipartisan Cruz-Kaine Resolution Condemning Antisemitism Unanimously Passes Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the United States Senate unanimously passed U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Tim Kaine’s (D-Va.) bipartisan resolution condemning all forms of antisemitism.

“‘In the United States, Jews have suffered from systematic discrimination in the form of exclusion from home ownership in certain neighborhoods, prohibition from staying in certain hotels, restrictions upon membership in private clubs and other associations, limitations upon admission to certain educational institutions, and other barriers to equal justice under the law,’” Sen. Cruz said. “This is a shameful legacy and it makes it all the more incumbent that we as a Senate, speak in one voice and stand resolved that the United States condemns and commits to combating all forms of antisemitism.”

“Right now, we are seeing an uptick in hate crimes against Jewish communities. We have to acknowledge that antisemitism is real, it’s dangerous, and it’s growing. Those of us in leadership positions need to stand up against it, and I’m grateful that Senator Cruz reached out to work together on this bipartisan effort. I’m proud the Senate came together to unanimously pass our resolution that shows we will do everything in our power to combat this rise in antisemitism,” Kaine said.
