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Kaine Statement On Passage of Senate Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement on the passage of a budget out of the full Senate this morning:

"I’m proud of the work we did on the Budget Committee to develop a balanced plan that will spur economic growth while putting us on a path to replacing harmful sequester cuts and responsibly reducing our deficit. I was pleased to join my colleagues in voting for its passage out of the Senate. After four years without a Senate budget, today’s vote is a significant step in our return to regular order and a more functional Congress. It’s my hope that as we begin negotiations with the House, both sides will leave politics at the door in favor of reaching an agreement that will both stabilize our nation’s finances and give families and businesses in Virginia and across the country the certainty they deserve. It’s time we put an end once and for all to governing by crisis.”
