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Senator Tim Kaine pushing for passage of Reproductive Freedom for All Act

US Senator Tim Kaine (D) says he is trying to restore women’s right to make their own reproductive health care choices with a new bill.

“It’s very important that we maintain Virginia’s status in that way, and certainly the election results in Virginia in November 2023 demonstrated that’s where the Virginia public is,” Sen. Kaine said Wednesday, January 24.

The senator says the Reproductive Freedom for All Act would essentially restore Roe v. Wade as a statutory protection.

“We don’t have the votes yet to pass it, but my prediction is this that more and more Americans see about the devastating effect that the Trump-led effort to destroy Roe is having on American women all over the country, the more people will realize that we need to put a national protection in place,” Kaine said.

Reproductive rights are a major issue in an election expected to feature a rematch with Donald Trump and Joe Biden.