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Senator Kaine: richest, most powerful country, yet thousand without healthcare

While people were getting their medical needs taken care of at the RAM Clinic Saturday, Senator Tim Kaine was making his rounds.

Senator Kaine said the RAM Clinic puts things in perspective for him. He said we are the richest, most powerful country, yet thousands are without healthcare.

People drive two counties, or even two states to sit and wait hours or days to get basic medical care.

Senator Kaine said he is amazed by the amount of people that show up every year, but there is something that can be done about it.

"If Virginia were to expand Medicaid coverage about 2/3's of the folks that are here would be available for medical treatment via Medicaid. They wouldn't have to wait once a year to come to a clinic like this, they could get medical care in their own communities," said Senator Kaine.

Senator Kaine said he comes back year after year to remind why he does what he does.
