There was concern when Virginia elected Tim Kaine as senator that he would be a "yes man" for President Barack Obama.
Kaine's stance on congressional authorization for use of force against the Islamic State may have relieved some of those worries.
On Wednesday, Kaine applauded Obama's announcement that he would seek congressional authorization — a resolution Kaine introduced in September.
Like Kaine, we were concerned about taking action against ISIS/ISIL without Congressional approval. While we recognize the seriousness of the Islamic State's offenses and the danger they present, it doesn't mean that Congress shouldn't have input from the public and make a decision following the proper processes.
"Waging war is the most serious thing we do and it is the most sober responsibility Congress has," Kaine said.
The draft would also repeal the 2002 authorization allowing military action in Iraq under which the White House is currently operating.
Kaine is now looking forward to a "robust debate," amendments and a vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
It's a debate we're looking forward to as well and we're glad that Kaine is leading the charge. It will hopefully show that he can be his own man and look out for the country's best interests.