Few states have been Ground Zero for America’s domestic wars as Virginia has been, something which grabbed the attention of Sen. Tim Kaine when he was governor of the Old Dominion, site of the first successful English colony.
As governor, the Democrat allocated more than $5 million for Civil War battlefield preservation. Now he has helped win congressional approval to expand that effort to Revolutionary War and War of 1812 sites, with the help of the Civil War Trust.
“Virginia is home to battlefields on which American soldiers gave their last full measure of devotion to bring about the nation we know today,” Kaine told Secrets. “Passage of this legislation helps preserve that land, allowing future generations to visit and reflect on our history.”
The legislation is considered the start of a broader preservation effort, led by the trust. “By adding Revolutionary War and War of 1812 sites to program eligibility, we protect additional chapters of our nation’s history and honor our forefathers who lost their lives on the battlefield,” Kaine said.
But it’s not just about keeping development away from hallowed ground, the goal of most preservation groups. Kaine said the effort can also drive tourism and deliver dollars to communities around the battlefields.
"While it would be worth passing this legislation on that basis alone, battlefield preservation also helps drive local economies in small towns and helps preserve the rural character of fast-growing communities in our Commonwealth," he added.