Persistence pays off. As soon as it grew apparent that the Islamist State posed a clear and present danger to American interests, Sen. Tim Kaine said U.S. military intervention would require congressional authorization.
He argued that President Barack Obama lacked the power to act on his own. The U.S. has been actively engaged against ISIS for many months; yesterday, the administration formally asked Congress to approve a new war. Kaine addressed war powers at an Oct. 21 Times-Dispatch Public Square.
The ISIS question complements Kaine’s call for a rewriting of the War Powers Resolution of 1973 that legislation analysts say has not worked. Kaine is right on general points regarding war powers and specific points regarding the Islamic State. A protracted engagement needs to have an indelible indication of congressional support.
As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Kaine will play a central role in the ISIS debate. His persistence on war powers suggests his judgment has earned trust. We salute him.