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FY 2025 Congressionally Directed Spending

The Senate Appropriations Committee accepted congressionally directed spending (CDS) requests for Fiscal Year 2025.  

Senators Kaine and Warner accepted joint requests for Virginia CDS projects. The deadline for submission was Friday, April 5 at 4:59 PM. Below is a list of congressionally directed spending requests that Senator Kaine is advocating for during the FY 2025 appropriations process. 

Congressionally directed spending will be capped at one percent of all discretionary spending, and there is a ban on congressionally directed spending items to for-profit entities. Submission of a request to the committee does not guarantee funding.

  • Purpose: The purpose of this application is to identify high-impact projects in Virginia that can reach completion with one-time assistance from the federal government.
  • Senate Rule XLIV: Any CDS request submitted to the Appropriations Committee must comply with this rule.
  • Eligible Accounts: The FY25 CDS Form is subject to change pending instructions from the Senate Appropriations Committee, including a list of accounts that are eligible for CDS. A specific list of the CDS accounts in the FY25 process is available here.
  • Reforms: The Appropriations Committee instituted the following reforms for recent previous fiscal years. These reforms are expected to continue for FY25:
    • A one percent cap on discretionary spending for congressionally directed spending items;
    • Ban congressionally directed spending items to for-profit entities;
    • Require Senators to post online their congressionally directed spending item requests, as well as their financial certification disclosures attesting that they do not have any financial interest in any of the items requested; and
    • The Committee will require the Government Accountability Office to audit a sample of enacted congressionally directed spending items and report its findings to Congress.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: A list of frequently asked questions is available here.  

For more information on CDS, please click here.

Please reach out to and with questions.